My Grief Recovery Story
My personal life and interest in grief work are what brought me to the Grief Recovery Method. Before I became a therapist, I was a wife and mother. Early on in our marriage, my husband and I experienced the devastating losses of our first two children, both of whom were born with a genetic disorder. We also suffered losses through miscarriage. As a griever, I became interested in helping others who were grieving. When I mentioned to a friend that I wanted to learn more about grief work, she told me about the Grief Recovery Method. I was beyond excited to learn that there was an upcoming certification training in my area. For me, the training was both the hardest yet most rewarding work I had ever done. I felt like I was broken, and the GRM put me back together in a way that I could have never imagined. Since my training/certification in December 2019, I want to give others the opportunity to experience the healing that I have experienced.