“If you found yourself here, there is a high probability that you, or someone you love is suffering from a broken heart. Is it due to a death, divorce, or another major loss? If so, you might feel sad, distracted, or confused. You are not alone.
If the resources available to you have not helped with your grief, it’s not because of what’s wrong with you. It’s because of a lack of correct information. If you’re interested in this program it’s because of what’s right with you, not what’s wrong.” - Grief Recovery Handbook-
Grief Recovery Method Specialists of Acadiana
(L to R: Aimee Dupuy, Adrienne Mejias, Misty Thibodeaux, Jodie Boudreaux)
We are a group of individuals who have experienced devastating personal losses. We have each spent years searching for relief from the pain and heartbreak we felt every day.
When you are suffering, on a daily basis, with the pain of a broken heart, there is one major question you need to ask yourself:
Do I want to continue to suffer this pain for the rest of my life?
Many people think this is the only option, and the fate they must endure forever. Many become accustomed to finding themselves in tears at odd moments throughout their days when they think of a love or relationship lost. Others believe that their loss has destroyed their happiness and sense of security, and now feel that they will be bitter and joyless forever. It is what we believed. That is not the case. You have options that can move you out from under this cloud.
Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information we’ve learned about dealing with loss is intellectual. Although the GRM involves some educational elements, effective Grief Recovery must deal with your broken heart, which requires emotional support instead of intellectual explanations. -Grief Recovery Institute-
You can heal your broken heart
We aren’t going to tell you, “We know how you feel,” because we don’t. Neither does anyone else. What we will do is provide a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.